In light of the high court ruling last week, three Independent councillors are calling for the Leader, Cabinet and senior officers to be called to account by way of a State Of The Island debate.
IW council want to move the Island Fire Control (the people who answer your emergency fire phone calls) off the Surrey, but an FoI request reveals that Surrey haven't had the right staffing levels
The Fire Brigade Union say the High Court judgment over Adult Social Care policy re-enforces their view that consultations on the Island are not carried out properly.
The decision to install dedicated private lines between the Island and Surrey's fire control centre has resulted in a delay of four months and savings shortfall of £65,000.
Not only are some of our toilets now on winter closures, but one VB reader tells us that the four lights have been left extravagantly burning for five weeks since the closure.
The council say Arbitration is the only route - Riverside say Mediation. Yes, we didn't know the difference between them either, but it's all explained in the article