A whopping 57 people took part in the council's online budget survey (that's 0.0004% of the Island's 140,000 population), whilst 75 accessed the budget simulator, 25% of which were council staff.
Chaired by former executive member, Cllr Paul Fuller, and including the former Leader Cllr Bacon, the new Scrutiny Committee gathers tonight to scrutinise the proposed budget for 2017/18.
With the huge cuts to funding from the government, the Isle of Wight council are on the cusp of having to slash many services in the coming financial year. However, it appears a frenzy of negotiations yesterday may have paid off.
Islanders came together last night to seek a constructive way out of the impending cuts to services and jobs facing the Isle of Wight Council over the next three years.
Follow OnTheWight's live coverage of the budget-setting meeting from inside the chamber at County Hall. Find out where the councillors will decide to make the £2.8m necessary cuts in order to agree a balanced budget.