Incompetence or a total disregard for others? It's hard to tell, as Island Roads replaces a bench and faces it away from the view and on a massive wonk!
The Isle of Wight council has today committed the Island's residents to a 25 year PFI deal with a French-owned company by signing a contract London. Work is expected to start on 1 April 2013 - please insert your own punchline.
The man who used to pull in £180+k/year while he was setting up the Isle of Wight roads PFI is back being paid by IWC and as well as being paid £95,000 for six months' work to fix the contract, his £750 per month rent is covered by IWC.
Residents in Brading say Island Roads have renewed the pavements and returned to redo them so many times, they're wondering if they'll ever be finished.