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Isle of Wight GCSE results buck national trend, initial reports suggest

The council share this latest statement on Isle of Wight GCSE results. Ed

The Isle of Wight’s executive member for children’s services, Councillor Jonathan Bacon is congratulating students across the Island for their performance in their GCSE examinations.

National performance measures have changed this year with new measures being introduced by the Government. On the Government’s new performance measure of Attainment 8, the initial reports suggest that schools on the Isle of Wight appear to compare favourably with national averages and in some cases, have improved significantly – against the national trend of a decline in results. The national figures will be released next term.

Councillor Bacon said:

“I am delighted to see that so many the Island’s 15 and 16 year olds have done well in their GCSEs. These young people should be commended for their achievement – demonstrating that their effort and hard work has paid off.

“The support of parents and the work of teachers in helping students to do well should not go unrecognised either, and I’m sure they are proud of the students’ attainment.”

Councillor Bacon added:

“I wish those now leaving secondary education every success as they move on to study for A-levels, achieve vocational qualifications, or start an apprenticeship. They now have the opportunity to build on their GCSE success and develop their skills that they can obtain the best qualifications possible.”