panel discussion

Isle of Wight Hidden Heroes: Experts return for final panel discussion

The series of Isle of Wight Hidden Heroes talks held at Quay Arts over the past couple of months have provided a fascinating insight into some of the Island’s most remarkable people.

Wednesday evening this week (28th March) sees the speakers reconvene to discuss and debate the Hidden Heroes of the Isle of Wight, past and present.

If you missed any of the talks that took place, this will be a great opportunity to catch up.

The panel includes …
Hear from John Medland (who spoke about ‘Lady of the Isle’, Isabella de Fortibus), Mei Trow (who spoke about Christopher Rhodes and Captain George Brigstocke), Richard Smout (who shared stories of Jane Squibb and Elizabeth Wallbridge from Annals of the Poor) and Brian Greening (who spoke about ‘rocket man’, John Dennett) as they wax lyrical about some of the remarkable people who did remarkable things whilst living on the Isle of Wight.

Tickets for this event are £5 each and it begins at 7.30pm. The bar will be open for drinks, bring a friend and continue the debate afterwards.

Image: gsapponline under CC BY 2.0

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