Thumbs up - young boy:

Isle of Wight primary school led with ‘energy and ambition’

Ofsted inspectors recently visited Lanesend Primary School in Cowes. It was the first short visit since 2011 when the school was rated as ‘Good’.

Staff, pupils and governors will be pleased, but not surprised, to hear that the school was once again rated as ‘Good’ by the inspectors.

Ofsted: School “gone from strength to strength”
Inspectors commented that “the school has gone from strength to strength in the last few years” and that the headteacher has led the “staff team with energy and ambition”, and has “a clear vision for improving the school”.

The school was recently featured in a BBC2 documentary examining the issue of gender neutrality. You can still watch the two-part programme on BBC iPlayer if you missed it.

Striving to excel
Comments from parents who shared their views with Ofsted included,

“A great school, always striving not just to improve, but to excel. It is clear that all the staff love what they do and are there to make a difference!”

As well as,

“A stand-out school that inspires and delights the children every day.”

Well done to all involved, full details can be found in the letter below.

Image: donhomer under CC BY 2.0