Rabbit in the snow and Santa Sleigh christmas card designs

Isle of Wight Virtual School’s Christmas Card competition winners announced

The results are in! After much discussion and thought, the Isle of Wight Council is pleased to reveal the winning design that will feature on its official Christmas card this year.

The competition was run by the Isle of Wight’s Virtual School, the service that supports children who are looked after by the local authority to access and flourish in education.

Santa’s sleigh
The final decision was made by a panel of judges who had the unenviable task of choosing a winner out of many fantastic entries.

The entry was created by a young man aged just over one-and-a-half — though he did admit to having a little help!

His hand and footprint Santa’s sleigh and reindeers received the highest number of points by the panellists who praised his amazing creative talent.

The card will be sent to hundreds of individuals and organisations across the Island and beyond, an achievement he can be proud of for years to come.

Rabbit runner-up
Such was the high standard of entries, judges decided to choose a runner-up which will become the chairman of the council’s official Christmas card.

The stunning image of a rabbit in the snow was drawn by a young woman, aged 17, with incredible talent. She is currently studying art, with aspirations to continue honing her talents at university.

Brading: Choosing a winner was incredibly hard
Councillor Paul Brading, Cabinet member for children’s services, education and skills, said:

“Choosing an overall winner from such a diverse selection of artwork was incredibly hard — I never expected to see quite so many excellent pieces.

“Well done to both our winners.”

Cameron: A massive thank you to everyone who took part
Council chairman, Councillor George Cameron, said:

“I was particularly impressed with the design created using foot and handprints.

“The rabbit in the snow is simply a beautiful piece of work created by a young woman who I have no doubt will go far.

“A massive thank you to everyone who took part.”

News shared by Isle of Wight council, in their own words. Ed