chris packham on gmb

Isle of Wight Zoo forced off social media by hostile campaign

The Isle of Wight Zoo had had to close their Facebook Page and Trip Advisor pages due to an influx of negative activity from those campaigning against Chris Packham.

Chris, the BBC wildlife presenter and trustee of The Wildheart Trust – the charity founded to secure a long-term future for the zoo – revealed today that he’s received severe death threats and suspicious packages since backing a legal challenge of the licences to shoot so-called ‘pest birds’, such as crows and pigeons.

Packham: Leave others alone
On Good Morning Britain Chris explained how he’d last night received death threats and that charities and businesses that he’s associated with have also been targeted.

‘Influx of negative and damaging activity’
Chris is the long-term partner of Charlotte Corney who runs the Isle of Wight Zoo. The Telegraph report that she’s worried about the safety of the animals at the zoo.

Last week, the CEO of the zoo posted the following statement on their Website:

Regrettably we have been forced to temporarily close our Facebook page due to an influx of negative and damaging activity.

We apologise to all our supporters and followers who are looking for updates from us and sincerely hope to resume normal operations as soon as things have settled down.

The Isle of Wight Zoo is proud to be the home of The Wildheart Trust, an independent charity dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of a variety of animals.

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CEO of the Trust, Veronica Chrisp, told News OnTheWight, 

“It’s frustrating as it makes it hard to keep people who support us up to date. I’d encourage supporters to signup for our newsletter.

“The good news is that we’re still open and things at the Zoo are going well.”

The Isle of Wight Zoo based on Yaverland, Sandown Bay.

Thanks to Tom Norman for the heads-up.

Source: The Telegraph and Good Morning Britain