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© CNB Grammys

Isle of Wight’s Wet Leg secures third Grammy win with Depeche Mode remix

Congratulations are in order for Isle of Wight band, Wet Leg, after the band picked up an award at 66th Grammy Awards  yesterday (Sunday) in the 82nd category, ‘Best Remixed Recording’.

Wet Leg fans will already be aware of Wet Leg’s remix of Depeche Mode’s Wagging Tongue, which was released in the summer of 2023, along with remixes by eight other artists. The remix, featuring the swirling vocals of Rhian and Hester, proved a hit with the Grammy judges and the band were there to collect their award.

Follow the links to watch Josh making the acceptance speech on behalf of the band, as well as the band being briefly interviewed before heading off to celebrate their third Grammy win (they picked up two awards in 2023).

You can also listen to Wet Leg’s remix of Depeche Mode’s Wagging Tongue on Spotify.

The band
Founded by Rhian Tesadale and Hester Chambers, the band also includes Ellis Durand on bass, Henry Holmes on drums and Josh Mobaraki on guitar and synth.

Having signed to Domino Records, Wet Leg launched their first single Chaise Longue in June 2021 to huge critical acclaim, with many singles following suit, before the debut self-titled album launched in April 2022 to rave reviews.

Stay up-to-date
Find out more about the band by vsiitng their social media accounts.

They now have 669,800 followers on TikTok, 481,000 followers on Instagram, around 70,000 followers on Facebook and 71,600 followers on Twitter.

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