montage of satire sites

Is the Isle of Wight experiencing a satire bubble?

The Isle of Wight is often the butt of satirical jokes, as illustrated in the many Island-related articles on the excellent NewsBiscuit website.

Their latest attempt at tickling the ribs of Islanders was seeing the New Year in with a piece titled, “Isle of Wight to relax rules on herbal teas“.

Sometimes the articles are plain silly (and what’s wrong with that?) and other times plain silly with a topical slant – such as the “‘Isle of Wight Skyscraper’ blamed for alleged milk-souring incident” article which appeared shortly after problems one Island dairy was experiencing with milk going off too quickly.

Weapons of mass destruction
Then there was NewsToad, with their entry titled, “‘Isle of Wight has weapons of mass destruction’ warns Barack Obama” (thanks to Kirsten for the heads-up) which sees a possible US invasion over suspicion of weapons of mass destruction on the Island.

The Isle of Wight Muffin
Picking up where the Isle of Wight Candy Press left off (no posts since April 2013) we now have another Island-based spoof Website, The Isle of Wight Muffin.

Started back around November-time and building up a following through social media, the site delivers regular offerings of spoof and satire to its readers. Make sure you have a stash of salt next to you when you read it though, Muffin’s stories are not meant to be taken seriously.

Can Depress
Finally of course, we can’t forget the brilliant twitter account IW Can Depress.

Definitely one to follow for jollity and a bit of fun.

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