IW Radio Interview with Cllr David Pugh: Live Coverage (update 6)

Tom Stroud is interviewing Council leader David Pugh.

Please refresh / reload your browser to see the latest updates. We will endeavour to report presentations and discussions as accurately as possible, but this is not a verbatim report. Text surrounded by () signifies VB’s comments. [12:04] David Pugh in the house

TS: Do you think the council has a good name?
DP: Prob not the best at the moment. That’s only going to change as service get better.

TS: How many parish councillors under investigation?
DP: CP had a story on it couple of weeks ago. 33 Parish councils. 5-20 members.

TS: Are you confident any enquiry will clear you?
DP: No progress so far. Bewildered. A complaint by people who weren’t there.

Need to set high standing. I bought a ticket for myself. People do recognise that I’m leaders. Some bizarre comment.

I’m confident that an enquiry will clear me.

A media frenzy that had been created. I know what too place – the cllrs who companied weren’t there.

TS: Who is going to judge you?
DP: An officer of the council will be investigating. It’s independent.

TS: Will you resign if it’s found against
DP: The allegations are unfounded without any substance.

TS: How much damage to you personally?
DP: A lot of people contacted me with sympathy and horror at some of the coverage and comments

TS: This must be embarrassing
DP: It’s not been nice Some of the most appalling comments have been written.

[12:10] Update 1
TS: Budgets
DP: We need to deliver a balanced budgets. There will be rises in council tax

TS: Roads
DP: We’ve secured £360+ million to spend on the roads.
More in the budget

TS: Why fixing road that don’t need fixing?
DP: We need to spend certain Money in certain ways. Wheel chair access, road safety. Ideally we’d like to tackle it all. We need to support all people that use the roads and pavements

DP: All roads will be affected. Changes to all road will happen. Working out how we can do it with the minimum impact. We’ve extended works from five years to seven years.

TS: What is the cost to business?
DP: We don’t have those figures. There will be benefits. Apprenticeships. We want people and business to benefit not suffer.

Shanklin was an example – works to road did have an impact. We’re getting better to inform businesses of the work before it’s done.

[12:15] Update 2
TS: Pot holes – Will the council pay up?
DP: There is a claims process – we will pay if applicable. Over 6,000 pot holes in mid-January. We need people to tell us about them.

TS: Can we claim?
DP: If damaged, people can claim. I believe that IWC has paid out

TS: Why not fix potholes?
DP: Got worse during winter. As a cyclist I have to avoid pot holes too.

TS: Will the work be done on the cheap
DP: There’s a number of Island contractors (four) are good, other are not so good – I’ve seen the holes myself. If contractors don’t do it right – we’ll address with them

TS: Military Road? Listener relies on it
DP: It’s on it’s last legs (by Brook). It is dangerous. Biggest barriers – protection of the land. We can’t take control of the land to more the road nearer in. We could do a compulsory purchase of the road (from National Trust) – but the costs are considerable.

It doesn’t take a huge amount of traffic – much busier roads on the Island.

It’s a dilemma whether to take money from other front line services to pay for road repairs.

TS: IW Chamber saying keep it open
DP: We’d be happy to have their representations. We need to decide where the coaches will go.

43 years left in the Freshwater Road.

National Trust don’t have a closed mind on making land available

TS: What do we need to do to persuade you?
DP: Protests do have a impact. Come to the meeting and ask a question.

TS: Traffic jams
DP: There are some issues. Minor tail-backs. Need to put it in context. We’re not happy about it. Newport was designed in the wrong way – all roads come into Newport. Will look at park and ride

(Tom’s warming up and pushing him over the roads)
(Tom points out that Pugh has notes with him)

[12:30] Update 3
Back form ads
TS: Parking
DP: Student rider has been retained, but the price is rising. Still less than half of bus price

TS: Resident parking permits – why scrapped?
DP: Balance budget with assumption of additional earning. Give us a chance to go to the drawing board. Different groups of people who need permits. Not every one needs the same thing. We’re looking at a range of different permits. Needs to be affordable to IW residents.

TS: How much staff parking permits?
DP: Not sure. Negotiations ongoing. No pay uplift, so won’t want to give an additional burden. It’s part of their package for working for IWC.

TS: Long term parking – Chapel street – Coppins Bridge is nearest parking. A valid point. We’re looking at it. We’ll respond to it.

TS: Say no to £500 parking permits on Facebook
DP: I do read them. People will prob add more comments now.

TS: People working off the Island – £500 costs too much
DP: Depending on the hours he works there, it might have been quite expensive already. Around the ferry terminal, parking is at a premium.

DP: The £500 isn’t a replacement for residents parking – it’s like the business permit.

TS: More permits sold than places in car parks?
DP: It would be perverse if we sold more tickets than we had spaces

TS: Small cars – same a 4×4
DP: They all take up a car parking space

TS: Green cars
DP: We will be looking at this as part of the review. It’s still taking up a space. Is it the role of the LA to provide a green incentive?

(what happened to Eco Island?)

[12:40] Update 4
TS: IWC should offer free parking in town
DP: Current setup isn’t working, different types of usage Shoppers, commuter, part time workers, only a limited number of spaces to go round. People will go into Newport because of the big shops.

In 2006 parking permit price wasn’t sustainable, too low. People can use the buses, OAPS free travel – although a cost to the IWC.

We want to encourage car sharing,

TS: Social care. Age concern funding has been reduced – Why?
DP: There is anxiety. Fundamental change on how this will happen. Driven by the governments. An opportunity for clients to decide where they’re going to spend their money. It’s a massive change – we need to manage it properly.

TS: Richard Priest was on show earlier in week he says IWC won’t meet with anyone from Riverside Centre – 1 April is a week away
There is no reduction from 1 April, later – yes.

DP: There is correspondence – there have been meetings. The Riverside is popular with clients. Happy to talk to him.

TS: What will happen when places close?
DP: We are not closing them down. They are run independently.

There will be changes

TS: What about Westminster House?
DP: No decision was made in the budget. An example of ‘transformation changes’. Westminster House underused at the moment. We’re looking a learning disabilites. 13th April a paper to be published – before the holiday break.

Media music centre – no reduction in their funding.

Music service is changing. Funds from another area will be use to support peripatetic instrument learning. Advanced skills teacher training to help when primary schools become extended.

£3/4m extra money has been put aside.

[12:50] Update 5
TS: Changes to rubbish collection. How much saved through kerb side collections?
DP: We’re bringing ourselves in line with other UK councils. We’re committed to weekly collections. Many people are putting it kerbside already. £100k should be saving. Allocated funding to people who need support.

TS: £500k on parking ticket machines – how long to get back.
DP: Most parking machines are outdated. It’s been achieved through capital investment funding. It’s not related, get it back. Makes it easier for people.

TS: Ryde gateway – who was responsible for it being scrapped – how much did it cost?
DP: Shared fault. Predated us as a council. It was for land that we don’t have. We could lose it, money we put into it within six months. Council before us applied and secured the funding. Network rail wanted more and more conditions.

TS: Why others in the UK have free bus travels to school?
DP: One of the best travel schemes in the UK for school children. Church schools have it. Means tested. Looking at dedicated schools buses.

TS: Dental appointment cancelled in place of Prison inmates
DP: Not under our control. Clearly Islanders should have a good service.

TS: Buy locally
DP: Local government has previously spent up to the moment that the money has run out – we’re changing that. We need to work within UK/EU procurement rules. Given that we’re on a Island, stuff coming over has a green impact – should be considered. Where possible we’d like to use Island suppliers.

TS: What %age of government money goes to topping up council pensions?
DP: There is a ‘notional’ hole in our pension provision. This is a National issue. We seek to lessen that gap. We as a Nation will need to face up to it.

TS: Northwood House future?
DP: It doesn’t service any particular service (!!except registry office!!) to the council.

It was gifted to us, we have no responsibility to the day to day running.

Is the IWC best placed to take this on in the future, or will local council do a better job?

(Tom saying news will be delayed as he has more questions he wants to ask)

[1:01] Update 6
TS: Cultural services?
DP: It’s sad that some items aren’t available for public viewing.
Nodehill may be used as a heritage centre.

TS: Class sized of over 30 is a regression
DP: There are statutory requirements. Some schools have been over subscribed.

TS: 22 children refused from school. Siblings not able to attend same primary school.
DP: There are a number of isolated cases. Some parents have taken their children outside catchment areas. There will be some disappointment. Appeals process is worth using. There’s no bad primary schools on the Island.

(sounds like final questions coming – Tom firing off questions about incompetence)

TS: Incompetence of Pugh? Resignations? Out with the old?
DP: I’m not 30 yet. I’m an Islander, I love the place. I want to help improve things. What I do is high profile. Will track adverse comment and interest. There is no ego in things like this.

I lead Conservatives into the election. I’ve been elected until 2013.

