St Catherine Street parking

IWC Cabinet overrule council officers on contentious parking ban

Cabinet members voted against officer recommendations tonight (Thursday) and threw out plans to remove parking from St Catherine Street, Ventnor.

The decision came as part of Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) being considered for the Ventnor area.

Residents listened to
Cllr Phil Jordan, the Cabinet member responsible for transport and infrastructure, reminded those watching the meeting that the current TROs the IWC are working through date back almost ten years. They can be sparked by just one person asking for the situation to be reconsidered, or could come from Island Roads, the emergency services, etc.

Cllr Jordan thanked all those who responded to the survey and everyone who signed the petition (which had more than 700 signatures). He said every signature was an objection considered.

Jordan: Abandon some of the schemes
Going against the officers’ recommendations to remove all parking along St Catherine Street, Cllr Jordan said instead he asked for members to agree to Option 3, which is to approve proposed restrictions, with amendments, and abandon proposals in some locations, namely:

  1. Abandon Scheme 2 St Catherine Street and no TRO for this road
  2. Scheme 1 Albert Street be deferred pending further investigation
  3. Scheme 4 Park Avenue also be deferred until later date pending until further investigation

Cllr Paul Fuller said,

“Residents spoke and we have listened to them. Thanks Cllr Jordan for his work on this and questions from the member of the public.”

Members voted in favour of the recommendation by Cllr Jordan and it was passed.