Jackie Weaver on Zoom

Jackie Weaver, star of Handforth Parish Council viral video, shares advice with Isle of Wight local councils

“If your local council doesn’t represent your interests, don’t complain – get involved!”

That was the message to Islanders from Jackie Weaver, Chief Officer of the Cheshire Association of Local Councils.

Handforth Parish Council went viral
Jackie has become somewhat of a celebrity following her appearance in the video of a meeting of Handforth Parish Council that went viral last year.

Jackie was addressing an online meeting of local parish, town and community council members and clerks, organised by the Isle of Wight Association of Local Councils (IWALC) last Thursday (3rd February).

Maintaining high standards of behaviour
The focus of her talk was the need to maintain high standards of behaviour in local councils. She emphasised the importance of good governance, including standing orders and codes of conduct, and of councillor training, but said there is also a need for stronger sanctions against perpetrators.

Jackie gave participants some hints about dealing with difficult situations, such as councils that are riven by rival factions (as was the case in Handforth) and councillors who bully colleagues or staff or use the council as a means of achieving their own personal or political ends.

Regarding the latter, her advice was,

“Don’t let them get away with it – put them last, not first!”

Presentation followed by lively discussion
The event attracted about 35 participants, including councillors and staff, and her initial talk was followed by an hour of lively discussion. It was acknowledged that, although poor behaviour damages the public image of local councils, it can have positive effects in the longer run.

Jackie reported that the problems in Handforth had aroused local public concern, resulting in the election of a new, far more representative council.

Participants noted a similar situation here, where in last year’s elections the councils where there was most competition for seats were those that had experienced some sort of problem in the past.

Book: You DO Have the Authority Here
Jackie also acknowledged that the publicity generated by the Handforth video had put local councils on the map. Since then she has been invited to many public engagements, appeared on TV and in the press, and written a book called You DO Have the Authority Here. She said,

“I do this because it’s good publicity.”

She was asked what was the most important advice she could give participants. Her response was,

“You must be representative of your communities and engage with them.”

She encouraged councils to find out what their residents want and adapt their activities (and if necessary increase their precepts) to meet these needs. And for residents, her advice was,

“If your council doesn’t do this, don’t complain – get involved!”

Celebrity Mastermind
Jackie appeared on Celebrity Mastermind on Saturday (5th February).

If you missed it, you can catch up via the BBC iPlayer.

News shared by Jill on behalf of Isle of Wight Association of Local Councils. Ed