Jingle smells xmas campaign team

Jingle Smells Christmas carol reminds residents about fat-clogged pipes

This in from Southern Water, in their own words. Ed

Traditionally, yuletide songs are sung around a sparkling Christmas tree or a roaring log fire – not a sewer.

But Southern Water staff were happy to teeter on the edge of the fat-clogged pipe to sing their latest Christmas carol – Jingle Smells.

Watch out you don’t cause blockages
The song warns that pouring cooking oils down sinks and flushing wet wipes down toilets can cause blockages, leading to flooding of homes and streets.

While the sewer on screen is a trick of the eye created by a 3D artwork, the problem of blockages caused by wipes and oils is very real.

3,000 blockages in six months
In the last six months there have been more than 3,000 blockages caused by congealed cooking oil and wet wipes in Southern Water’s region, including more than 60 on the Isle of Wight.

Uploaded onto Southern Water’s YouTube channel, Jingle Smells is helping promote the company’s Pain in the Drain campaign.

Jingle Smells
Jingle Smells heralds the return of Southern Water’s singing sewermen, the stars of last year’s rousing rendition of the 12 Days of Christmas, which has clocked up almost 3,000 views from around the world.

This year the sewermen hope to top that figure by drafting in a keyboard player and some serious vocal talent from around the company.

Having practised in their lunch breaks and after work, the singers are hoping that their efforts will encourage people to think twice about what they pour or flush away.

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