Johnny Fitzgerald Bond Painted In Words

Johnny Basildon Bond The CP appear to be as big a fan of Johnny Fitzgerald Bond as we are.

Not only did they call him a ‘Johnny come lately’ in a headline last week, but in Charlotte Hofton’s piece this week (page 19) about the Education debate in the council chamber two weeks ago she brings him into focus again.

At the end of the article she captures Johnny Fitzgerald-Bond, “He rose with the air of one who actually wanted to go to Eton, yet finding himself in some minor public school among some pretty awful oiks, felt constrained, as captain of games and frightfully good egg.”

She brings the piece to a close, “Thank God for chaps like Johnny, who, thanks to his posh name, can fire double barrels.”

I was in the council chamber as well that night and agree about his manner, but not so sure about him rallying the troupes. He came across more as the form joker.