Kieran O’Reilly: Grit Scooters Pro Team Sign 12 Year Old Sandown Lad

Great to see that Isle of Wight lad Kieran O’Reilly has become so good at Scooter riding that he’s gained himself sponsorship by Grit Scooters after only a couple of years riding.

Kieran O'ReillyLooking at the videos of Kieran that we’ve gathered below, it won’t be hard for you to understand too.

Dan Maker, boss of Grit Scooters, told VB that a video of Kieran doing his thing at the Sandown skate park had been sent to him by the editor of Scoot Mag as a must-watch – “Kieran was twelve at the time and doing tricks that older lads would have difficulty doing, so we made him an offer to join the team right away”, he told VB.

From there, as you can see from the videos below, Kieran has travelled aroundthe UK demonstrating his skills.

International competitions next
“We’re taking Kieran to two International competitions – one in Switzerland and another in France – so he can show other competitors from about the World what he’s made of”, he explained. “If he does well, he could start making a living from riding.”

Chatting to Kevin, Kieran’s Dad, it’s clear he’s proud of his son’s achievements, although it’s only relatively recently that Kieran’s talents have become obvious to his parents – “Kieran just got a bus pass at the weekends and took himself off to skate parks around the Island, then we started hearing that he was winning at Island events.”

Proud Dad
“He told us he was going to be a Pro and he’s proved us wrong”, Kevin said with a chuckle.

He’s even started an online Scooter shop – SkootShack – to help support his son travelling around the UK for events outside the ones Grit take him too. “It’s all about supporting Kieran,” he concluded with VB.

Guide to Scooter tricks
If you’re not sure what Scooter riding is like these days, or haven’t seen the range of tricks, Kieran has helpfully done a video demonstrating the range of tricks – from the simplest to the expert end.

Scooters at Island skate parks
A video of Kieran playing host to other Scooterists with a trip to the Isle of Wight. Here’s they’re at Ryde skatepark.

(You might want to mute audio on the video if you don’t like strong language)

Kieran on tour
Here’s a recent one of Kieran showing his skills at Terminal 1 Park, in the East Midlands.

Source: CP