Sunday Politics Show - Ian Stephens

IW Council Leader becomes Chair of an LGA board: Receives challenge by opposition councillor

The leader of the Isle of Wight council, Ian Stephens, last night (Wednesday) announced he’s recently been appointed as Chairman of the LGA’s Culture, Tourism and Sport Board.

Many people on the Island will see this Chairmanship for Cllr Stephens as a great opportunity to have the Isle of Wight recognised on a national scale, particularly as the Island has a strong involvement with tourism.

In his monthly report to councillors he wrote,

“I am pleased to be able to advise members that I have been appointed chair of the LGA’s Culture, Tourism and Sport Board. The objectives of the board are to raise the profile of the arts; realise the cross cutting economic and social benefits of a thriving visitor economy; support local councils to achieve and increase in physical activity; support the development of the library sector; and maximise the benefits of the 2012 Olympic Games.

“Many of these objectives are consistent with our own aspirations as a council, although how they can be achieved given the financial difficulties facing the public sector, ourselves included, will be a significant challenge. I look forward to representing the Island’s views to the board, learning more about how these pressures are being addressed in other authorities and in ensuring the voice of these mainly discretionary services is not lost in the noise of the austerity agenda.”

Call for resignation from board
During the meeting Conservative councillor for Newport West, Chris Whitehouse, attempted to challenge Cllr Stephens over the role.

He tried to add a statement to the end of a motion on receiving regular written reports from committee Chairs.

Cllr Whitehouse proposed,

“As an amendment to Cllr Lumley’s proposed motion on reports to council at end add … ‘Council further records its profound concern at reports that its Leader, Cllr Ian Stephens, has taken a position with the Local Government Association which requires a significant time commitment and for which he receives a substantial allowance of £15,712 in addition to the basic allowance of £7,903 as a councillor and his Special Responsibility Allowance (SPA) as Council Leader which he personally put up to £15,806, giving him an income from council work of £39,421; ….’

Fact check: For clarity, it’s worth pointing out that when Cllr Stephens took on the role of Leader of the council in May 2013, he halved his allowance from £23,709 to £11,549. The recent rise in the SPA was on recommendation of the Independent Remuneration Panel, taking it from £11,549 to £15,806.

The Chairman, Cllr Ian Ward, interrupted the councillor asking what “this had to do with the motion?”

Cllr Whitehouse replied,

“With respect chair, it is an amendment to have at the end of the motion so the entire motion is left in tact and this is highly consistent with standing orders of the council. Amendments can be moved at any time during the debate and can only add or omit words in the recommendation.

Cllr Whitehouse argued that he’d taken legal advice over moving the amendment, but it was rejected as not relevant to the motion and fell.

In an email sent to OnTheWight after the meeting, Cllr Whitehouse advised the remainder of his proposed amendment would have read,

“…. observes that at a time when the Council has a financial crisis requiring urgent budget cuts, manpower reductions and service reconfigurations Cllr Stephens’ place should be here, on the Island, giving Leadership to his administration and its officers; deeply regrets the Leader’s decision to take this remunerated position and calls upon him to think again and resign from it forthwith.”

Image: © BBC