Vix Lowthion with Green party members at the GE Count

Letter: A heartfelt thank you from Green Party candidate Vix Lowthion to Island voters and supporters

OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from Vix Lowthion, 2024 IW East Green candidate. Ed

After an intense five-week election campaign – plus the many years before that – I’d like to publicly say ‘Thank You’ to the thousands of Islanders who voted for the Green Party across the Isle of Wight last week, and the hundreds who have been in touch.

I’ve received so many messages over the last few days, wishing me well and hopeful that we would succeed in the future. I treasure every single one.

Thanks for supporters
I’d also like to say Thank You to everyone who gave up their time and energies in the final days before polling day, especially everyone from the East Wight Primary and others who have now become new friends.

Whilst I’ve stood in elections before, this one was very special.

The entire campaign was full of positivity, the other candidates were focused and friendly and I send my congratulations to Joe Robertson and wish him every success as our new MP.

A nationally significant result
The result for the IW Green Party team was nationally significant again.

In IW East we were the closest to winning a fifth Green MP than anywhere else in the United Kingdom.

Who knows what the future holds?!