Ian Dore on Cemetery Road

Letter: Councillor Ian Dore responds to MP’s ‘silly games’ accusation over Wootton surgery closure

News OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from Councillor Ian Dore, in response to Isle of Wight Conservative MP, Bob Seely, accusing the local councillors of playing “silly political games”, after they commented on his ‘inappropriate’ references to Harold Shipman at a public meeting about the closure of Wootton Medical Centre. Ed

Mr Seely is suggesting that by answering a question posed by a media outlet, I or perhaps Councillor Sarah Redrup are indulging in ‘silly political games’. 

It’s tricky to find that argument for me as I don’t belong to a party and operate as an independent. I look at things objectively, seeking a solution. My principals haven’t changed but in this, perhaps a change of attitude and approach is required on the part of the MP?

Words are not enough
Simply saying ‘I look forward to working with Wootton residents to make sure that they retain convenient access to a GP surgery’ is not good enough. It is abundantly clear that this relocation is a ‘fait accompli’, with the associated parties, simply going through the motions. Precisely nothing has been put in place to mitigate the disastrous position residents find themselves in.

Some may consider this merely an inconvenience and its ‘Isle of Wight mentality’ when it comes to travel. To them I say spend an hour in the morning outside the practice, speak with those using it and you will soon form a more rounded opinion.

An insult to the residents
The second public consultation (if you can call it that), was not only held in mid-afternoon, but in Newport! To rub salt in the wounds, the very party that Wootton residents wanted to be present (Assura – the landlord of Wootton Bridge Medical Centre since 2017), weren’t.

It transpires that this particular ‘engagement’, was decided by Medina Healthcare and the Integrated Care Board (ICB).  It’s insulting to the residents of Wootton that they chose Newport, the time of day, and in the knowledge that Assura could not attend.

It’s time to whip off the sheets
So this is where a local MP dons his boots and jumps in, demanding answers and scoping solutions. The ICB, Medina Healthcare and Assura have made their beds, now it’s time to whip off the sheets. For them to expect older residents, those with disabilities and parents (often juggling with kids), to trek from Wootton to Newport via two buses, is not acceptable.

The distance isn’t great, but the inconvenience is huge. If you struggle with mobility, fragility or have a poorly child and rely on public transport; it’s simply not a feasible or considerate option. The ICB, Medina Healthcare and Assura have offered nothing as decent alternative. They’ve simply ticked boxes and cracked on.

3,000 people left in the lurch
3,000 individuals are left in the lurch in Wootton, Fishbourne and Binstead. There has been no consideration for a dedicated transport provision. No pursuit of a scaled down service either. 

The GPs wanted out of the business but wanted to continue to work, fine that’s their choice but let’s not pretend that this is a positive solution for those in Wootton and extended areas. It is not. It has been very poorly thought through.

There needs to be a plan to put GP surgery back
I agree with Bob that the ICB and associated parties have got this wrong. This though, is one of those issues where an MP can engage positively. Not simply offer up a few lines trying to clarify what was ‘a bit of a clanger’.

Wootton Residents have had their local surgery taken away from them, there needs to be a plan and solution to put one back. The ICB, Medina Healthcare and Assura are the root of this issue, now they have to put it right. The MP can assist in facilitating that.

All involved are united in a goal
I genuinely hope that Bob will engage and engage robustly. Wootton Parish Council are involved, Fishbourne Parish Council are involved, Ward Councillors are involved, residents are involved.

Many with differing political views, all though, united in a goal. Get a medical practice back in Wootton.

Politics can be parked, this is about people.