Bob Seely at Vectis Radio

Letter: Former MP and West Wight candidate, Bob Seely, faces constituent scrutiny in radio interview aftermath

OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from James Richards, Newport. Ed

It’s a rare occasion that I feel compelled to write to the editor of a news provider, but after listening to Bob Seely’s “Car Crash” interview on Vectis Radio, I couldn’t remain silent.

During the interview (listen here) Bob was asked why not a single one of his election leaflets was printed on the Island.

This from an MP who claims to champion small local businesses on the Isle of Wight. Bob’s excuse? He needs to “get more [leaflets] out.” How convenient.

Only used Beardsalls once before?
He further tried to cover his tracks by saying he uses “Beardsalls quite a bit” and needs to get things out quickly showing just how little our so-called champion cares about Island businesses. A quick search of his parliamentary expenses reveals he’s used Beardsalls a grand total of once since 2017.

BBQ breach
On the matter of Rishi Sunak leaving the D-Day commemorations early, Bob dismissed complaints as “somewhat synthetic” and “not even an issue.” Even Sunak admitted it was a mistake, yet Bob lives in a fantasy land devoid of empathy for those who risked their lives for our freedom.

And then when pressed about breaking the Covid rules he was responsible for setting after going to a BBQ he had to be asked twice to apologise.

Politically close to Liz Truss
When challenged about backing Liz Truss for the leadership in 2022, Bob spewed more drivel claiming he backed Penny Mordaunt, when as we know back in 2022 after Mordaunt dropped out of the leadership race he went on the record saying that Liz Truss would offer a “change of direction” going on to boast, “I’ve always been mates with Liz, I’ve always been politically quite close with Liz.”

Blasting the council
Bob also took aim at the council calling them “an absolute disgrace” adding that the council have “let Islanders down and they’ve let young Islanders down,” he went in to say that if people screw up, he’ll call them out, presumably a dig at the council.

Perhaps it’s time for Bob to call himself out.

What Bob has voted for
What has his party, which he has blindly supported by following the whip and voting in line with the majority of the time, done for young people?

Oh, that’s right: house prices have risen exponentially, food prices have soared to their highest ever, and mortgage rates for those lucky enough to own a home have reached eye-watering levels.

Do not forget that when you vote next Thursday.

Crystal clear for voters
It’s crystal clear for voters: if you want an MP who consistently backs the wrong horse, breaks the rules he sets, doesn’t own a home on the Island, and prioritises mainland businesses over local ones, vote for Bob. But in my view you can’t expect him to represent Isle of Wight West residents in any meaningful way.

I believe he’ll be too busy spouting nonsense on GB News or scrambling for a front bench position in the opposition.