children and teachers on grass

Letter: Isle of Wight council must ‘ditch this plan’ to disrupt young children’s education

We always welcome a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from Steve Cowley of Yarmouth. Ed

A great injustice to the children of West Wight families is being planned by the Isle of Wight Council.

Their plan is to move the children from All Saints’ Primary School to Yarmouth Primary School so that All Saints’ can be refurbished, then Yarmouth School will be closed, and the children moved back to the All Saints’ site calling it ‘Yarmouth’.

Damaging effect on education of many children
These moves and overcrowding will have a damaging effect on the education of many children. It is well-proven that this sort of disruption, especially mid academic year, has a very negative effect on educational attainment.

Good primary education is a fundamental life foundation for all children. It ensures good lifetime outcomes in many ways; good jobs, good social outcomes and fulfilling lives.

90% of Shalfleet and Yarmouth parents oppose plan
This plan is proposed by the IWC despite all three ‘Good’ Ofsted rated School Governing bodies saying that they do not support this plan, Shalfleet, Yarmouth and St Saviours.

Over 90% of parents at Shalfleet and Yarmouth oppose this plan. 71% of those who responded to the consultation did not support this plan, but the IWC report justified the recommendation because 29% supported it.

The success of the plan depends on the governors of both Shalfleet and Yarmouth, who are opposed to the plan.

“Financially irresponsible”
The plan is financial irresponsible, spending £300,000 on Yarmouth just before closing the school, then refurbishing All Saints’ which will only add to the continued over supply of school places in the West Wight, leading to further school closures.

Ditch this plan
If the IWC is to be seen financially responsible it must think again and ditch this plan.

If the IWC is to be seen as caring about the children currently in the West Wight schools, their teachers and support staff, it must think again and ditch this plan.

Steve Cowley, Grandfather to 7 who have been pupils at, and of whom 4 still attend the Shalfleet and Yarmouth Federation Schools.

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