donald trump

Letter: Isle of Wight media – Stop bashing Donald Trump!

We always welcome a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below. This from “An angry Brexit supporter, Lake”. Ed

Due to political bias from Isle of Wight news, particularly concerning the daily criticism of the President of America (‘Trump Bashing’) becoming totally out of control, I refuse to listen to daily reports of Isle of Wight news.

This also applies to all TV news stations, I just turn off like millions of others

Millions of UK Trump supporters
Are you not aware that there are millions of Trump supporters in this country.

Apart from the millions of those who voted for him in a fair democratic election, the result shocked the PC liberal media, here and in the US, particularly the desperately bitter Democrats who, consequently attempted to sabotage every single vow of his manifesto, and those that were accepted by Congress, have been very successful indeed.

‘Trump Bashing’ encourages more supporters
When I learned there was to be an interview this morning with an American politician, re Trump’s first term, I was curious re: the outcome, but not surprised at the response from him when questioned, and assume he was a Democrat, so swiftly turned off.

Plus, I am also surprised that the the media have not yet realised that the continued ‘Trump Bashing’, only results in many more Trump supporters, we English have always been sympathetic towards the underdog!

Sincerely, from an angry Brexit supporter, Lake, Isle of Wight.

Image: gageskidmore under CC BY 2.0