Yarmouth School

Letter: Plans to close Ofsted rated ‘Good’ primary school ‘an injustice’

We always welcome a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from Steve Cowley of Yarmouth. He says these are his own views, and he’s not representing the views of the Town Council. Also all four of his children attended Yarmouth School and he has four grandchildren currently at the school. Ed

The threat to close Yarmouth Primary School is an injustice for a school that is Ofsted rated ‘Good’, that is a school that parents choose to send their children to because of its ethos and is a school which is at the heart of the Community of Yarmouth.

Strong, well-performing school
In terms of both academic performance and Ofsted judgements, Yarmouth is a strong, well-performing school and as such should not be closed. It has a successful Federation with Shalfleet School.

Any attempt to transplant Yarmouth School to Freshwater is likely to damage both Yarmouth and Shalfleet schools. The IWC has a particularly disastrous record of schools’ reorganisation.

Engaged community
Part of the reason the Yarmouth school is so good is its engagement with the Community of Yarmouth. Various organisations and groups regularly raise funds for the school, organise events such as the Pancake Race, the Easter Duck race, Yarmouth Carnival and Carols in the Square.

Because Yarmouth is well known for its supportive community, the PTFA can raise money from events such as last weekend’s Randonnée.

Revert to original reorganisation proposal
I believe that the Isle of Wight Council and Hampshire Education Authority should revert to their original reorganisation proposal.

As this was their original preferred option it must be educationally and financially sustainable; they have all the information upon which this proposal was made.

Larger schools rated Inadequate
Hampshire Education Officers seem to prefer larger (210 pupils) Primary schools; the West Wight has two schools of this size both judged by Ofsted as inadequate. The three other West Wight Primaries are ‘Good’. There is a lesson here; smaller Primary Schools thrive in smaller Communities.

Having spoken to many people associated with the school there appears to be great support for keeping Yarmouth School in Yarmouth.

Public meeting
Yarmouth Town Council has organised a meeting at CHOYD on Tuesday May 21st at 6.30 to help co-ordinate the response to the new consultation.