We always welcome a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below. This from Alan Smith. Ed
Has anyone tried to contact Isle of Wight County Hall recently? Is it possible?
I needed to talk to someone in the fire dept today regarding fire alarms but had no idea of the extension number. I phoned and hung on for a whole hour without the call being answered.
Give us extension numbers
In this day and and age of the Internet surely a list of the department extension numbers could be detailed online.
We are past the time when we are expected to apply in writing for our basic services.
What happens if you turn up in person? Do they just ignore you the way the phones are ignored?
Not brain surgery
Answering public enquiries is not brain surgery and should be sorted quickly.
Image: davedugdale under CC BY 2.0