Kier Starmer speaking in parliament - 2020 -

Letter: ‘We can’t wait’ for PM’s promises on educational future

OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from Peter Shreeve, Assistant District Secretary, Treasurer, Press Officer, Health & Safety Office, Isle of Wight – National Education Union. Ed

On 27th September the Department for Education (DfE) published several reports on the working lives of teachers and school leaders and on the use of teaching assistants and supply teachers.

They are overwhelmingly, grim reading. They show the impact of how over 14 years of national governments have failed.

Overwhelming depressing take on national education situation
During September, in more than 13 meetings, the local NEU has been listening to members and families sharing their views predominantly on aspects that will affect the most vulnerable pupils.

These DfE reports shed an overwhelming depressing take on the national education situation, reflected in the present primary consultation.

An unenviable task
We recognise the scale of the problem. We recognise, local government is in an untenable position. We recognise our new national government too has an unenviable task.

We recognise, when schools close and pupils move to other schools, class sizes tend to increase.

“We can’t wait”
After sustained underfunding, the new government needs to fund much. In his Conference speech last week, the PM said,

“A new future for our children. That is what people will get, and mark my words – we will deliver it.”

We can’t wait!