Live Wired Miscount Results in Facebook Group

News reaches us that a Facebook group has been created following news of the mixup surrounding heat two of the Live Wired competition.

Live Wired Miscount Results in Facebook GroupThe CP had reported (article not available online now) that Golden Strands, who had competed in the live heats on Friday, would be joining Damien Paul at the final, giving them a chance to win a slot at the 2010 Isle of Wight Festival.

Unfortunately it came to light yesterday, that the there was a mix up with the results and in fact it should have been The Scores going through to the final, not Golden Strands.

The group on Facebook, titled Live Wired Miscount is calling for all three acts from the heat to go through to the live finals.

They say …

OK, we know that the slight mishap at Livewired 2nd live heat was unfortunate, but the Golden strands were told they were being put through. Can we see them both the Golden Strands and the Scores in the final please. This is a friendly local competition.