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Look out for your neighbours during cold snap say council

The council share this latest appeal. Ed

A cold weather alert has been issued by the Met Office, warning of a prolonged period of severe cold weather this week which could increase the health risks to vulnerable people.

Temperatures are due to remain low until Friday afternoon (2 December), with temperatures of just a few degrees during the day and near to or below freezing at night.

Residents are reminded to look out for elderly and vulnerable neighbours and relatives, especially those living alone or who have serious illnesses, to make sure they are safe, warm and well.

Advice on Website
A range of information and advice, including how to keep homes warm, efficiently and safely, can be found on the council’s Website.

Advice on staying well during cold snaps can also be found online.

Rida Elkheir, director of public health at the Isle of Wight Council, said:

“The weather has been relatively mild so far this winter so this week’s drop in temperatures may catch people out.

“There are simple measures people can take to ensure they stay warm and well this winter, I would encourage people to take a look at the advice on our Website and to also visit the NHS Stay Well pages for a range of information.”

Image: juditk under CC BY 2.0