Ludo Encounters Bad Weather Gamely

Thanks to Suzanne and Alan for this report. Congratulations to Ludo for completing this amazing challenge and for raising so much money for the Ellen MacArthur Trust. Ed

Ludo:Having set sail from East Cowes Marina on 28th April intrepid sailor Ludo Bennett-Jones completed his Round Britain journey on 12th July. He arrived back at East Cowes just past midday after 76 days at sea.

In the process, he stopped off in ports in England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland, becoming the youngest and fastest to make the journey.

Dame Ellen MacArthur was on hand to personally welcome him back. Referring to her own Round Britain passage she said she took four and a half months, so that was one record Ludo had taken off her.

From her own experience she referred to the hazards of rocks, currents and sandbanks to be endured.

You’re my hero
In thanking Ludo for the money he had raised for her charity, The Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust, she said Ludo was now a hero of hers.

Ludo admitted there had been good and bad points on his journey. He had seen dolphins and sampled Orkney Bitter and malt whisky. On the downside he had encountered the worst weather in 230 years. “It seemed to follow me around” he quipped.

Snagged rudder
His final setback was just two days from the finish when the boat’s rudder snagged.

Ludo and Ellen:The RNLI were soon on the scene to tow him ashore and he was most grateful to them.

During his 76 days at sea, Ludo had support from 15 different people acting as his crew.

£40,000 raised to date
In thanking all those who had assisted him on his maritime journey he referred to the 243 contributors who had raised a total of almost £40,000 to date.

When the final amount is known (log on to to donate) monies will be split 50:50 between Sport Relief and the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust.

As a lad Ludo had looked upon Ellen as his heroine having read all her books. A few years ago he had spent time with the Trust on work experience and was now only too pleased to raise funds for their work.