Majortones Release Free MP3 Of Festival Performance

Majortones Release Free MP3Island band, Majortones, who managed to win the Live Wired IW Festival Competition as well as the Battle of the Bands Competition have just released a new MP3 of their live performance at the Isle of Wight Festival.

There are three tracks available, Gallopwang, Slap It and Everyone to Dance Please.

The download process is simple, just go to their page on the MusicGlue Website, click on the ‘Audio’ link, add your email address and away you go.

You’ll be sent an email and will need to confirm your location (sadly IW is missing from drop down list, but this gives you get a chance to fantasize about where in the UK you’d rather live), then you click to download.

It’s that simple and the whole process is absolutely free, so why not check it out?