Making Sense: Buy The Charity Single

Making Sense: Buy The Charity SingleHow time flies! Whilst relaxing over the weekend in front of a lovely log fire listening to some music, what should pop up on the music player but the excellent charity single, The Making Sense Song by Island lovelies, The Wild Oats.

Having checked back through the blog, it turns out that it was one year ago last weekend that the launch event for the single took place.

The Wild Oats, who have supported St George’s School in so many different ways, recorded the single with pupils and teachers from the school in an effort to raise awareness, as well as funds for the school.

One year on and over £2000 has been raised through sales of the single which is still available.

If you didn’t get a copy last year, it’s not too late to get one – why not buy a few and give them as Christmas presents? At just £3 each they are great value and will give you a warm glow inside knowing that you’ve contributed to a great cause.

Check out The Wild Oats Myspace to buy the single.

Incidentally, The Wild Oats will be appearing live on Phil Jackson’s BBC Radio Solent 96.1 & 103.8 FM on 30th November at 8pm. Tune in and show your support.