Following up on the release of a BNP membership list that we covered yesterday, here’s an update.
An enterprising young fellow has taken all of the 10k+ postcodes and mashed them up onto a Google map of the UK, showing the distribution of the names on list.
Naturally we went straight to the Island to gave a look and replicate it below. We think the map only has 18 showing, where as there had been 21 on the original list.
Luckily for those on the list (and let’s not forget that the BNP (British National Party) said some of the people on the published list are not members), the location on the markers on the map isn’t accurate. It’s designed more to show the density in areas rather than their exact locations.
Looking at the number of markers on the other side of the water – in Portsmouth and Southampton – the numbers are pretty sobering.

Thanks to the sharp eyed Islander who sent this tip to us.