Military Road at Brook

Military Road, Brook to reopen to two-way traffic

This in from Island Roads, in their own words. Ed

Work by Island Roads to enable the temporary traffic lights in Military Road, Brook to be removed is nearing completion.

In 2010, a section of the cliff adjacent to the road at Brook collapsed resulting in the road having to be restricted to single file traffic.

Water drainage system successful
To prevent further deterioration, the Isle of Wight Council installed a surface water drainage system in 2011 to lower the groundwater level. The scheme has been monitored closely and has proved effective in slowing the recession of the cliff at this point on the Military Road.

An embankment has been constructed on the lay-by adjacent to the road to prevent vehicles parking too close to the cliff edge, the water filled barriers and temporary lights will therefore be removed by early next week, ahead of the Easter holiday period.

Image: © Google Streetview

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