
Miss Isle charity gets funding boost thanks to carrier bag sales

Thanks to Tracey for this latest news from Miss Isle School of Sip-Puff Sailing. Ed

The Isle of Wight charity that enables young people with disabilities to go sailing, and inspires others to reach their goals, has received a welcome boost from the Morrisons Foundation.

Grant boost
Miss Isle School of Sip-Puff Sailing has been awarded a grant of £3,000 towards the installation of a hoist at Cowes Yacht Haven.

This will allow easy access to the charity’s boat for those who want to go sailing using the sip-puff method and will also benefit a range of other users who can only access boats using a hoist.

Plastic bag sales
The Morrisons Foundation is the chief recipient of the monies generated through the sale of carrier bags in Morrisons stores in England, Wales and Scotland.

Charity founder Natasha Lambert, a young sailor with athetoid cerebral palsy, received the cheque at the Newport Morrisons on the Isle of Wight.

The hoist should be in place before the beginning of the sailing season next year.

Image: Store Manager Andy Woodford and Community Champion Lyn Davis, Natasha Lambert, Amanda Lambert