Tonka and Wheat - Tonka on his own

Monkey Haven say a heartbroken farewell to much-loved Langur monkey, Tonka

Animal Care Staff and supporters of Monkey Haven are mourning the loss of their beloved Langur monkey, Tonka.

These iconic images show Tonka (black and grey) and his best friend, Wheat (tan-coloured).

A really tough and emotional weekend
Heartbroken staff from Monkey Haven shared the news on social media earlier today.

Wheat and Tonka
Wheat and Tonka

They said,

“It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of one of our beloved primates, our special Langur boy, Tonka.

“It’s been a really tough and emotional weekend for our keepers and of course our darling boy, Wheat, who has also lost his best friend.”


Digestive system had stopped working
Kelly Wickes from Monkey Haven went on to explain,

“On Saturday morning Tonka didn’t wake up his usual happy self. He seemed quite docile during breakfast and we instantly knew something was wrong.

“Due to their very complex stomachs our keepers are always watching and monitoring their behaviour as they know any 1st little signs need acting upon fast.

“We immediately took Tonka to our vets where they carried out a large operation to see what was going on. Unfortunately his digestive system had stopped working and despite the vets trying all they could to restart it, Tonka sadly lost his fight the following morning.”

Roses for Tonka
Roses for Tonka

One of a kind who will be sorely missed
Kelly went on to say,

“We are all heartbroken for Wheat, who was never far from Tonka’s side and often seen hugging his best friend. We’ll be making sure Wheat has extra tlc and we’d also like to extend our love and hugs to our animal care team at this difficult time, we know how sad this is for you all.

“RIP Tonka, you were one of a kind and you’ll be sorely missed by everyone who knew you.”