Mont St Michel: Restaurant Review

Setting: Somewhere off the coast, in la Manche on a Brittany Ferry

Mont St Michel: ReviewOccasion: Celebrating selling house in France.

Diners: Adel et mon mari

Meal Wanted: First course & dessert only (French main courses are tres mal)

Meal Got: Four courses, coffee (avec chocs).

Menu: Limited but good – included buffet first course and desserts.

Service: French!

Wine List: Mai oui!

Posh Nosh: Yes.

Presentation: French.

Ambience: Excellent. Warm, quiet, relaxed.

Other: Full service including being shown to our table – always a sign of taste and class dwarlings! A first-class buffet with prawns, king prawns, crab, lobster (almost as good as the Boathouse!), mis en bouche and salads of all kinds.

Not a tired or wilting leaf anywhere, everything was on ice, crystal clean and fresh. Main course was disappointing as always with French food, but the dessert buffet more than made up for it with a choice of at least a dozen fresh, creamy, fruity creations”¦”¦.and loads of chocolate! Not a Jamie pudding in sight!

Price: £50.30 – three courses for two people.

Nickables: White flags!

Recommendations: Get real with the exchange rate! Admit the British won the war, not the Americans!

Adel Jinnos