Coins and a five pound £5 note
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More than £1,200 raised in Ventnor overnight to feed children on free school meals during half term (updated)

Following News OnTheWight’s report that food vouchers for children on free school meals are being withdrawn this half-term holiday, Kirsty Chapman of Better Days Cafe in Ventnor kicked off a fundraising appeal.

In less than 12 hours, donations of more than £700 have flooded in, to ensure that children on free school meals in Ventnor will not go hungry next week.

Update: 24 hours later, the total raised had reached more than £1,200.

Kirsty explains,

“I’d like to offer packed lunches to children of all ages, no referrals necessary. If anyone would like to help fund this, I’d be eternally grateful.

“Funding takes months…and some of our kids need this as soon as this Friday.”

Show your support
If you are able to donate to the fund to support children in Ventnor over the half term holiday, bank details for the Better Days Cafe are:

  • Account: The Better Days Cafe
  • Sort code: 04 06 05
  • Account Number: 16850996

How to get free lunches
If your children are at risk of going hungry during next week’s half-term because they usually receive a free school meal, just private message the Better Days Cafe via Facebook to order.

No questions. No tokens. No referrals.

If you’re not on Facebook, pop into the Better Days Cafe and speak to Kirsty.

Where and when
The Better Days Cafe is open 10am-5pm Monday to Saturday.

It can be found at 64 High Street, Ventnor PO38 1LT (opposite the Central Car Park, next to Tesco Express).

Article edit
5.45pm 26th May 2022 – Update to amount raised added

Image: Max Pixel under CC Zero