Andrew Turner

MP to meet with Trades Union Council to discuss ferry situation

Following last week’s public meeting organised by Isle of Wight trades unions, one of their representatives, Steve Butler, has been in touch with On The Wight (see report of meeting).

He tells us that the IW Trades Union Council will meet with Island MP, Andrew Turner, this coming Friday.

He says the meeting with Mr Turner is with view of “arranging a meeting with the Minister of Transport and a Minister from the BIS, with all interested groups participating, to discuss the urgent situation of the ferries, which affect Island people and the Isle Of Wight economy.”

As readers will remember, Andrew Turner mentioned at the public meeting that despite several requests, Business Secretary of State, Vince Cable had still refused to meet with him to discuss the issue of ferry services and fares.

We’ll let you know how the meeting goes.

Image: © IslandMP