Neighbourhood Watch Schemes Soon To Be Launched

Neighbourhood WatchSome people call it nosey neighbours, others a strong community spirit. Whatever name you give to it, the South Wight Safer Neighbourhoods Team is hoping that many more people will embrace the new Neighbourhood Watch Schemes which are due to be launched soon. Ed

Neighbourhood Watch is all about an active partnership with the police, schemes can:

* Cut crime and opportunity for crime
* Help and reassure those who live in fear of crime
* Encourage neighbourliness and closer communities

It is about helping the police by developing an active partnership with them, thereby creating safer and happier communities.

A scheme is generally led by a co-ordinator who acts as a point of contact and gets people working together. There is often a committee who meet regularly to decide what action to take.

Would you like to make a positive difference to your community?
Could you spare a little time to volunteer as a co-ordinator or a committee member?
Would you like to know more about Neighbourhood Watch and how it works?

South Wight SNT will be holding recruiting drives in the Rural Mobile Police Office on Wednesday 12th March at:

* Whitwell (outside the church) 11am – 12pm
* Niton (outside the Post Office) 12.30pm – 1.30pm
* Chale (outside the shop) 2pm – 3pm
* Godshill (in School Crescent) 3.30pm – 4.30pm

and also on Thursday 13th March at:

* Bonchurch (outside Post Office) 11.30pm – 12.30pm
* Upper Ventnor (Garden Estate) 1pm – 2pm
* Wroxall (St. Martin’s Road Car Park) 3pm – 4pm

South Wight SNT will also be in Ventnor Library (upstairs) on Saturday 22nd March from 2pm – 4pm.

If you can’t make it to one of these drives, please contact South Wight SNT on southwight.snt(at) or 0845 045 45 45 for further information.