New Fixed Penalty Notices for Anti Social Crimes

A two-month period during which council staff have been showing yellow cards to anti-social residents is now over.

It now means people caught by town centre managers, community support officers and dog wardens committing a range of offences will now receive a fixed-penalty notice as opposed to the yellow card.

The yellow cards were an educative approach in advance of the new range of fixed penalty notices introduced from 2 April.
People who drop cigarette butts, leave refuse outside their homes other than on designated rubbish collection days, abandon vehicles or daub graffiti, now face a range of fines.

The fines range from £50 for litter dropping rising to £75 if you haven’t paid within 14 days, to abandoning a vehicle which will cost you £120 or £300 if you haven’t paid within 14 days.

Cash raised will be re-invested back into the service where the offence was committed.

The new system comes into place under the Clean Neighbourhood and Environment Act 2005.

Cllr Diana Tuson, IW Council cabinet member for Safer Communities, said: “There is no excuse for committing offences committed under this act. We have adopted a two-month educative approach to highlight the new powers but now that has come to an end culprits can expect to be fined should they break the law.”

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