michael lane

New funding opportunity opens for projects that reduce offending and support victims of crime

This in from the office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Michael Lane. Ed

Police and Crime Commissioner Michael Lane is offering community organisations across Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton the opportunity to bid for up to £50,000 for projects and services that reduce offending and support victims.

The PCC is pleased to announce the launch of a new funding round to support victims and reduce offending for 1 April 2020 until 31 March 2021. We are looking for new, innovative and exciting approaches, as well as approaches that have been proven to work. Applications are welcomed for funding between £500 and £50,000 and can be submitted between Tuesday 1 October and Thursday 31 October at midday.

Michael Lane said:

“To keep our communities safer it is key that we seek to understand and tackle the contributing factors as to why individuals choose, or feel the need, to perpetrate crime or anti-social behaviour.  It is therefore important that investment is made into early intervention and prevention projects, as well as those that support victims.

“Our safety will be most effectively delivered by inclusive communities and it is by working in partnership with community organisations that we can make a real difference. The work they do to support policing by working directly with those that are susceptible to being drawn into criminality, strengthening local communities, and protecting the vulnerable from exploitation, plays an essential part in tackling crime.

“For this funding round I am interested to receive bids from organisations that are seeking support for projects across a wide range of issues, including hate crime, domestic abuse, and sexual crime. I encourage organisations to propose new approaches and initiatives as well.”

Information about the funding process, including guidelines on how to apply are available from the Website.

Applications are open until 31 October 2019 midday. The maximum amount of funding that can be applied for per application is £50,000.

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