New Class 484 Train on platform at Ryde St Johns from bridge

New Island Line trains: David Pugh audio interview (repping KILF)

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David Pugh and his comrades at Keep Island Line in Franchise (KILF) have been instrumental in Island Line not being lost – a six-year battle that came to its conclusion today with the launch of the new Island Line trains running on new track on the Isle of Wight.

News OnTheWight caught up with David early this morning on the busy platform at Ryde St Johns, after the first train out of Shanklin had been unexpectedly terminated there, instead of progressing to Ryde Pier Head, following a power cut to the line last night that officials said had impacted the line’s signalling.

What’s covered
We cover:

  • KILF’s battle that started six years ago, including the threat of a Judicial Review KILF made to Government, that led them to change their policy
  • The seven months additional delay that was added to the originally-scheduled three-month period of works.
  • The newly-refurbished trains
  • Hopes for the service reaching it promised half hour service, rather than the hourly service that launched today.
  • The return of the Wightlink Fastcat service to the previous half hour service and in turn connection to the Mainland Portsmouth Harbour train service to London.

Take a listen
There was a lot going on at the station, so you’ll initially hear the hubbub all around us, as we were among the many train enthusiasts, Island Line and South Western Railway staff.

Article edit
12.23pm 12th Jul 2024 – Changed source of audio