The Newchurch Male Voice Choir Chairman, Rod Riddell and the Musical Director, Roy Bevan, have presented Howard Wilkie with Honorary Life Membership of the Choir to acknowledge the many years that he has served the Choir.
During his service, Howard has been a singer, announcer, Assistant Musical Director, and for a little over two years the accompanist at practices and concerts, with his wife Teresa being the Guest Artiste at some of the Choir’s concerts.
Howard leaves to pursue other musical pathways and does so with the Choir’s blessing and thanks.
Bob Cooper, for the Choir, said,
“Howard has been a very loyal and talented asset for the Choir for many years and he leaves a big gap that we now need to fill.
“So if there is anyone who would like to take on this exciting and entertaining roll of Rehearsal and Concert Keyboard Accompanist to assist the Choir to maintain its renowned high standard of performance and bringing pleasure to our audiences, there is a place for you.”
If interested please contact the Secretary, Sheelagh Stephens, on (01983) 402 327 or at [email protected].
News shared by Bob on behalf of Newchurch Male Voice Choir. Ed