Newport Internet Piracy Arrests

Isle Of Wight Internet Piracy ArrestsTwo people in Newport, Isle of Wight have been arrested and bailed over an alleged copyright infringement.

They’d been running a site – MusicPlusMovies – for over a year and a half.

Through it they’d taken orders for films and music, which they’d download from the Internet, burn on to disc and post out to people around the UK.

Working with the Federation Against Copyright Theft (FACT), the local police removed computer equipment which FACT will be examining over the next 10-12 weeks, gathering evidence.

Speaking to FACT, we understand that they two involved – one 16 and the other 21 – have admitted to the offences.

During its investigation in the lead up to the arrests FACT carried out a ‘test purchase’ with the site to confirm that they were able to buy copyrighted material.
