Nick Percy: Island sporting star recovers well from injury


Many thanks Ventnor resident, Evelyn Knowles, for sharing latest news of young sporting star and Islander, Nick Percy. In her own words. Ed

Last year, while competing for European Club Championship in Slovenia, Nick Percy, Bonchurch’s own talented athlete, strained his hand when throwing shot. As a precaution, he has not thrown since and has not entered any indoor competitions.

The prognosis has turned out to be better than expected as there is no permanent damage, but plenty of physiotherapy and strapping required until the hand is stronger.

‘Helping Talent Shine in Education and Sport’
During this time, Nick has made good use of the ‘Helping Talent Shine in Education and Sport’ (TASS), which provides a Government funded athlete scholarship scheme.

Its aims are to ‘balance an academic life with training and competition as a performance athlete.’

The demands on a young athlete can be tough and TASS provide coaching, information and guidance.

Help received from Ron Pickering Memorial Fund
Nick was pleased and grateful to accept a cheque from the Ron Pickering Memorial Fund one of the many organisations and people who provide financial backing for him.

He continues to train regularly aiming to be the best he can for the coming season.