The Isle of Wight Youth Trust are keen to hear from those under 30-years-old who may have professional experience in education, counselling or psychotherapy
By taking part in a free holiday club where a nutritious meal is provided, disadvantaged children get to enjoy the same enriching experiences as many of their friends and peers
The deputy director of children services for the Isle of Wight said that "if bad people want to do bad things to children, they will do them," and that as much as all agencies want to protect children, "it is not always possible to do so”
Despite the cold weather, there was some great riding on the course at Haslett sand pit for the ninth round of the Isle of Wight Motorcycle Club Winter Series
The stall at the recent East Cowes Christmas Market was a great success for the Queensgate Foundation Primary school's Parent, Teacher and Friends Association
15-year-old Sophie Corry is studying for her GCSEs but managed to create this winning design for the Brave Island Christmas Card competition - all proceeds will be going to the local foodbank