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‘Improvement required’ at primary school following latest Ofsted inspection, although rated ‘Good’ in several aspects

During a recent Ofsted inspection at Brighstone CE Aided Primary School, the progress made since the last Section 5 inspection in 2018 was recognised, with a new team of school leaders in place.

The school’s leadership and management, early years, personal development and behaviour and attitudes of pupils are now judged by Ofsted to be ‘Good’.

Well-planned curriculum
Inspectors noted that in the wider curriculum subjects that leaders have already revisited, such as history, sequenced plans are in place that include the precise knowledge and skills that pupils will learn, and that there are actions in place to roll out this good practice across all of the curriculum subjects throughout the rest of this school year.

However, as this roll-out has not yet been completed, inspectors judged the quality of education to ‘Require improvement’.

Overall rating of ‘Requires improvement’
As this judgement is a limiting judgement, this means that the overall judgement is ‘Requires improvement’; however, it was noted that ‘leaders, governors and staff are ambitious for this small school’ and that ‘governors ensure that leaders have clear plans for improvement’.

Pupils feel safe in a positive environment
Inspectors noted that the calm and respectful culture prevailing at Brighstone, underpinned by warm relationships between staff and pupils, results in positive behaviour from pupils.

Pupils feel safe in a positive environment, supported by staff who help them to follow the behaviour expectations linked to the school values of love, courage and respect.

Pupils value their education
The inspectors recognised that all staff share the same determination for pupils to achieve well, and that pupils get off to a good start in learning to read and in developing their mathematical understanding.

As a result, from the youngest age, pupils value their education.

Early Years
In the Early Years, the inspectors praised the knowledgeable team for the strong planning that is adapted to meet the children’s interests and targets.

Brighstone’s EYFS curriculum and provision develops the children’s characters and independence, which help them to be ready for Y1. The children show resilience and take pride in their learning.

Positive action recognised
Mrs Rebecca Lennon, headteacher, says that,

“Due to the recent acceleration of Ofsted inspections, this Section 5 visit came sooner than expected.

“We are delighted that the positive action taken around behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management and early year’s provision has been recognised.

“These were identified as real strengths across the school.”

Lennon: Focus on children’s development goes beyond the academic
Mrs Lennon went on to say,

“The inspectors recognised our strong focus on children’s development that goes beyond the academic. We provide a wide range of opportunities to develop their spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) learning and experiences, including helping pupils to value diversity in the world. Our strong focus on developing pupils’ vocabulary helps to unlock their learning, and it was recognised that we foster a love of reading throughout school.

“We have made amazing progress over the last two years and I am delighted that our effective actions so far have been identified. In our strategic plan, inspectors could see that, although there was a little way to go, the pathway was strong and we would shortly realise our ambitions.

“This report clearly reflects our positive journey so far, and where we are heading, and I would like to extend a big thank you to all the children, staff and governors for their hard work over the past year and a half, especially during such turbulent times.”

News shared by Rebecca on behalf of Brighstone Primary School. Ed

Image: nojhan under CC BY 2.0