Ryde Slide

No Ryde Slide this year as it takes a year off

Lindsay shares this latest news. Ed

The Wightlink Ryde Slide will be taking a year off and looking to return again in 2020. The event is acknowledged to be the biggest public waterslide in the UK and has become a huge part of the Island’s summer calendar in just a few years.

The Slide’s founder, Cllr Wayne Whittle said,

“The event depends on a lot of people volunteering their time and resources and a year just goes by too quickly. We’ve decided to catch our breath and come back even bigger next year.”

Raised more than £15,000
Over the past four events, the Wightlink Ryde Slide has raised more than £15,000 for charities based in Ryde including Aspire, The Waterside Trust and Ryde Inshore Rescue.

It has been made possible through the generous donation of time, equipment and money by Wightlink, the IW Fire Service, Southern Water, HSS Hire and many other local businesses and organisations.

Wayne continued,

“The slide has been one of the best community events that I’ve been involved with and we’ve raised a lot of money for local good causes. We’ll be looking for a local charity to take a lead in organising the 2020 Ryde Slide so if you’re interested, please get in touch.”

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