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Northwood Primary Academy Trust calls out council for ‘unfair school planning’ (updated)

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Alex Moffat, Co-Chair of Governors at Northwood Primary School shares this latest news in relation to school place planning, which could result in the closure of six primary schools by September 2025. Ed

Island parents, staff and unions have all expressed concerns regarding the exclusion of academies from consideration of closure as part of the council’s proposals, particularly in light of assurances given throughout the council’s public engagement process that the review would be a level playing field for all primary schools, irrespective of type.

Northwood Primary School Academy Trust agrees with these concerns; the proposals are unfair and are not what was promised.

IWC did not engage collaboratively and constructively with the trust
Contrary to Department of Education guidance on collaborative school place planning (available here), the council did not engage collaboratively and constructively with the trust, choosing instead to maintain strict confidentiality surrounding its proposals, sharing them only partially (and also in the strictest confidence) with the Headteacher and Chair of Governors on 21st August 2024.

Until the publication of the proposals on 4th September 2024, the trust didn’t know if Northwood Primary would be included as a proposal for closure or not. This seems to be a similar experience to that voiced by the Church of England Diocese of Portsmouth, regarding the proposals to close Church of England schools.

Lack of engagement
Due to the lack of engagement by the council, it was impossible for the trust to say whether or not it would support a proposal to close Northwood Primary School as part of the reduction of surplus primary places, prior to the publication of the proposals; how can you comment on that which you have not been told?

The trust is disappointed that the council didn’t make this clearer in their school place planning proposals document.

Any further comments on the proposals will be made as part of the trust’s submission to the council’s consultation.

OnTheWight has contacted Councillor Jonathan Bacon for a response. Two days later we received the following statement, challenging the assertion that Northwood had not been involved in discussions. Ed

An Isle of Wight council spokesperson told OnTheWight,

“On 18th July the Council’s Cabinet considered the new draft school place planning strategy for the Island.  This was a product of extensive engagement with a wide range of stakeholders, including schools, over several months. 

“At that meeting Cabinet provided approval to undertake a review of the level of surplus places and increases to special educational needs provision on the Island, to support improved education standards within the context of the emerging Education Strategy. 

“In August, the Isle of Wight council had related discussions with Northwood Primary School and the Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust.  A local authority does not have the legal ability to propose the closure of an academy or an amendment to an academy’s published admission number. Instead, this is a matter for the academy trust and / or the Department for Education. 

“This is the reason that Lanesend Primary School and Northwood Primary School were not included in the proposals published by the council on 4th September, ahead of the Cabinet meeting on the 12th September.”

Article edit
7.06pm 25th Sep 2024 – IWC comment added