graben road and pavement may 2024

One-way route into Ventnor as it faces two-week road closure: New dates revealed

The two-week road closure at the graben (Newport Road, Ventnor) has been pushed back from 17th June to 24th June – to avoid clashing with Isle of Wight Festival.

With Leeson Road closed due to the Bonchurch Landslide, this means all traffic in and out of Ventnor will be via Whitwell from Monday 24th June to at least Friday 5th July.

One-way system
Those heading into Ventnor will be able to use the southbound one-way route from Godshill to Whitwell. The one-way section will be between Beacon Alley and Kemming Road.

Those wishing to leave the town will be diverted further west. Light traffic will be asked to travel north via Niton Road and Newport Road, whilst HGVs/PSVs will need to travel further onto via Chale and Chale Green.

Shuttle bus
The new start date means Southern Vectis will be able to offer a shuttle bus service (which would have been tied up with IW Festival transport).

News OnTheWight has been asking Southern Vectis about their plans for shuttle buses and whether they would repeat the route that was put in place last time the graben was closed, which meant Route 3 buses travelled as far as Upper Ventnor before turning around.

Even though the closure has been known about for some time (IWC announced it two weeks ago), plans have still not been shared.

However, the council have said that a shuttle bus will be in place for pupils in Bonchurch/Ventnor to reach Upper Ventnor. More detail on that to follow.

Emergency access
It’s worth noting that Emergency vehicles are still able to access Ventnor from Shanklin via Leeson Road.

The council also say there will be temporary parking restrictions in place during the fortnight along Ocean View Road and Whitwell Road, more info to follow.

Gills Cliff Road
News OnTheWight has asked Island Roads/IWC whether lower Gills Cliff Road will be completed and reopened by 24th June and whether temporary traffic lights are planned for St Lawrence Shute.

Gills Cliff Road has been closed since February 2024, after rockfall took the traffic lights out. Although St Alban’s steps (adjacent to the rock fall) are still open, the road passing them has been closed. In mid-May, IW council said a netting and anchors solution was being designed, but that it could take weeks before it is completed.

Read the updates over here.