planning keyboard

Outline permission granted for 29 new homes in Wootton

Permission for housing on the outskirts of Wootton has been granted.

The application for outline permission, submitted by Maritime and Provincial Ltd, was looking for 29 houses to be built behind houses on Station Road.

Opposition from residents
It had been met by fierce rejection from residents and Wootton Bridge Parish Council, which raised concerns over flooding, ecology and the greenfield nature of the site.

Cllr Barry Abraham (Con), of the parish council, said the land was rich in species and its damp condition was crucial to the ecosystem and should not be given up to housing lightly.

A “busy and dangerous road”
Members of the committee shared residents’ concerns Station Road was busy and dangerous and asked if, in the future through a detailed application, provision for a cycle route along the road could be given.

Double yellow lines were also recommended along the stretch of Station Road, as the access point leads onto a blind bend.

Brodie: Third of homes to be affordable
Cllr Geoff Brodie (Ind Lab) said the issues with the application were balanced, weighing up highways and infrastructure concerns against the council’s presumption in favour of sustainable development and affordable housing provision.

He said the application, should it come back with the 29 proposed houses, would provide ten affordable properties, putting a roof over the heads of ten Island families.

The vote
The plans were approved by seven votes to three , with one abstention.

A further application to determine the site’s appearance, scale, layout and landscape will be sent to the council in the future.

This article is from the BBC’s LDRS (Local Democracy Reporter Service) scheme, which News OnTheWight is taking part in. Some alterations and additions may have been made by OnTheWight. Ed

Image: CreditDebitPro